Summer Sizzle: Essential Tips for Viewing Homes During Hot Months

by Susan Brewer Service First Real Estate

Missouri summers are known for their warmth and sunshine. While this makes for great outdoor living, it can also impact your home buying experience. Here at Susan Brewer Service First Real Estate, we want to ensure you stay focused and comfortable during your summer home tours.

Dress for Success (and the Heat):

  • Light & Breathable: Opt for loose-fitting, light-colored clothing that allows for air circulation.
  • Footwear Comfort: Comfortable, closed-toe shoes are ideal for navigating potentially uneven surfaces and unkempt yards.
  • Hydration Hero: Bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout your viewings.

Beyond the Basics: Unveiling the Home’s Story

  • Ask About Air Conditioning: Inquire about the AC system’s age, efficiency, and recent servicing. A cool and comfortable home is essential in Missouri summers.
  • Look for Sun Exposure: Observe the home’s natural light and shade patterns. South-facing windows will receive more sunlight, potentially impacting cooling costs.
  • Check for Leaks & Moisture: Pay attention to signs of water damage or excessive humidity, which can worsen in hot weather.

Embrace the Season’s Advantages:

  • Outdoor Enthusiasts: Take advantage of longer daylight hours to thoroughly explore the home’s exterior, landscaping, and backyard.
  • Open House Advantage: Summer often coincides with a surge in open houses, offering a chance to view multiple properties efficiently.

Bonus Tip: Schedule viewings earlier in the day or during evenings when temperatures are typically cooler.

By following these tips, you can approach your summer home tours with confidence and gather valuable insights to make informed decisions. Ready to find your dream Missouri home? Contact the real estate experts at Susan Brewer Service First Real Estate today!

Published on 2024-05-29 16:08:13