There is a difference in Real Estate companies. Susan Brewer Service First Real Estate is a company dedicated to one goal:
Delivering top-notch Real Estate Service unparalleled by anyone else in the industry.
Buying, Selling, Building New or Relocating
Our group of professionals will work to ensure that all of your questions are answered, and will be with you every step of the way to make sure your Real Estate experience is a pleasant one. Whether it’s finding the perfect home that is “close to everywhere” or making sure that all of the photos of your home are “just right,” we will work tirelessly to make sure that every detail is taken care of.
Internet Advertising
Our relationship with many of the most popular online services allows us to place your home in front of millions of potential home buyers each year. By combining the traditional home selling methods, and the latest in technology, we will work to promote your home to a buyer that may be looking for a home just like yours!
Our full-time marketing staff produces high quality pieces designed to promote and sell your home. This group composed of a Marketing Director, full-time Graphic Designer, and Production Assistant develops and implements all of our marketing materials. This allows us to adjust our marketing plan as the local market changes, not after it is too late to help you.
Contact us today, and discover the Service First Difference