Category: For The Home

You’ve made the decision to remodel your home. The budget range and project scope have been set, but now you aren’t sure how to begin this new adventure. Following a few simple guidelines... Read More

What do you get when you combine great food, good company and a beautifully set table? One truly memorable party. No matter what the reason for the gathering, find your inspiration from the... Read More

  Easy Care for Your Natural Stone Stone countertops and floors, such as granite, marble and other natural stone, have long been loved for the sophisticated and... Read More

(Family Features) Whether it's a tablet with an educational purpose or a big screen displaying the latest video game, the use of electronic technology is skyrocketing among kids. In fact, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, children ages ei... Read More

(Family Features) Spring brings a sense of fresh beginnings, and for many, that includes the annual ritual of spring cleaning. A survey conducted by the American Cleaning Institute found that 62 percent of people engage in spring cleaning each yea... Read More