Your newly constructed home doesn’t have to look cookie-cutter on the interior. These tips can help to add the warmth, charm and character you are looking for:
Give it Some Light – During the process of building a home, clients are often given a budget for lighting that must be used at a supplier chosen by the builder. One option is to choose a basic (and inexpensive) light fixture from the builder and then add a bold fixture after you move in. Light fixtures can make a large impact on a home’s interior and are often the focal point of your decor.
The Warmth of Wood – An easy way to add warmth to your decor is to utilize wood tones. The easiest places to do this is in your flooring and cabinetry. After you move in, you can add wood beams, a wood accent wall or a wood mantel over your fireplace.
Upgrade Your Doors – During construction choosing taller interior doors and adding a more custom front door are ways that you can differentiate your home from your neighbors’. These upgrades can be done after you move in, but may be more economical during construction.
Open with Style – Upgrading your door hardware can not only make your doors look great, it makes them feel better as well. Swapping out builder-grade door hardware with antique (or antique looking) options can make a visual and tactile impact.
What’s Old is New (to you) – Choosing a few antique or vintage pieces of furniture or decor can add uniqueness and style to your home. They can bring a sense of the past and help to make a newer home feel more grounded and give it the style that it is lacking. Matching furniture sets cannot add the character that vintage pieces bring to a space.
Susan Brewer Service First Real Estate (636)936-8600
Published on 2023-07-20 14:54:52